Abrasive blast applications, including product surface
finishing and paint or coatings preparation and refinishing,
are what our experts focus on every day. We deliver
superior surface finishing solutions through a combination of
experience, technology and innovation. HTE’s
customer-driven service is focused on the product finishing
needs of both production and maintenance departments.
Although sand-blasting is a commonly used reference for
all surface blasting regardless of the media used, HTE
Technologies and now HTE Abrasive Blast Solutions has never
supplied sand as a blasting medium, and has never encouraged
sand be used for abrasive blasting. Media types
supplied by HTE Abrasive Blast include Alumina Oxide, Glass
Beads, Crushed Glass, Steel Shot, Plastic Beads, Walnut
Shells, Bi-Carbonate of Soda, and a few other more
specialized media.
To learn which media will most economically produce the
optimal surface finish, please click below to request a call
from one of our media specialists, and to arrange for a
no charge MEDIA SAMPLE TEST of your needs.